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Configuring a Wi-Fi Access Point

By default, the Wi-Fi network is disabled. Enable it first as described in Enabling/Disabling the Wi-Fi Interface.

When configured in Wi-Fi access point mode, the unit can be controlled remotely from a smartphone, tablet or laptop.

See the sections below to configure the Wi-Fi access point.

Unit Panel
  1. From the Home menu, tap
    Networks icon
  2. Tap the Wi-Fi line to access the Wi-Fi settings menu.
  3. Tap the Mode field.
  4. Select the Access Point mode.
  5. Tap
    Arrow down icon
    to scroll down.
  6. Tap
    Settings icon
  7. Define the Wi-Fi settings:
    • Network Name: (automatically formatted as follows: "Pro_" followed by the unit hardware ID.)
    • Frequency Band: 2.4GHz or 5.0GHz.
    • Channel: Select the channel used (dynamic list according to the frequency band).
      • 2.4GHz: channel 1 to 11.
      • 5.0GHz: channel 36, 40, 44 and 48.


        In Access Point mode, 5GHz band is not available for Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Russia.

    • Password: By default: Password.
  8. Tap
    Arrow down icon
    and select ADVANCED+.
  9. Define IP settings (IP Address, Netmask and DNS server address).
  10. Tap
    Save icon

An icon indicates that the Wi-Fi Access Point is configured:

  • AP enabled icon
     A Wi-Fi Access Point is configured
  • AP connected icon
    At least one client is connected to the Access Point
Web Interface
  1. On the dashboard in the Networks section click 
    Open Settings icon
    in the Wi-Fi entry.
  2. In the Mode section, select Access Point.
    Access Point settings
  3. Define the Wi-Fi settings in the Network section.
    • Name: (automatically formatted as follows: "ProductSeries_" followed by the unit hardware ID.)
    • Frequency Band: 2.4GHz or 5.0GHz.
    • Channel: Select the channel used (dynamic list according to the selected frequency band).
      • 2.4 GHz: channel 1 to 11.

      • 5.0 GHz: channel 36, 40, 44, and 48.


        In Access Point mode, the 5-GHz band is not available for Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia.

    • Enter the desired IP Address, the Netmask, and the DNS Server Address.
    • Password: By default: Password. Click the Generate button to create a new random password Click the
      icon to show the generated password.
  4. Click the Apply button.
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