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Starting / Stopping a Live (MultiMode)

You can start a live manually via the unit panel, web interface, or camera or you can enable the Auto-live at startup. See (v3.5) Enabling / Disabling Auto-Live at Startup.

Unit Panel

Unit Panel

To start a live:

  1. From the Home menu, tap

    . The video preview appears on screen and the live profile selected is displayed. When tapping
    , the Live menu displays additional information for each encoder.

    Enable Encoder
    Selected Source
    Selected Live Profile
    Selected Destination Profile


    • Video source must be all SDI or all Pattern.
    • All inputs must have the same resolution and the same frame rate.

    You can modify settings before starting the Live action:

    • To select another Source:
      1. Tap the
      2. Tap another source.
    • To select another Live profile:
      1. Tap the
      2. Tap another Live profile.
    • To select another Destination profile:
      1. Tap the
      2. Tap another Destination profile.
  2. Tap
    to start the Live for all encoders. Video previews appear on screen.

    Audio bars indicating audio levels
    Live icon blinking means that a live is running
  3. Tap an encoder to display more information.

    Audio bars indicating audio levels
    Live duration
  4. Tap

    to display some indications about the Live action: 

    End-to-end Latency configured in the Live Profile or modified remotely from StreamHub interface
    Network bitrate
    Source standard
    Live duration


    See the StreamHub User Guide to set another delay during Live operation.

To stop the Live for all encoders:

  1. Tap
  2. Tap
  3. Tap
    to confirm.

To stop the Live for a single encoder:

  1. Tap the preview of the encoder that you want to stop.
  2. Tap
  3. Tap
  4. Tap
    to confirm.
Web Interface

To start a live:

  1. Click
  2. For each encoder, check that the settings are configured and selected as required:
    • Video Source
    • Live Profile
    • Destination Profile


      1. Video Source must be all SDI or all Pattern.
      2. All inputs must have the same resolution and the same frame rate.
  3. Click
    to start the Live for all encoders.

To stop the Live:

  1. Click
    . A
    popup appears.
  2. Click
    or the
    icon to stop the video transmission.


Before starting a live, make sure that the REC button, the Live profile, and the Destination profile have been configured. Please see Configuring the Camera's REC Button and Configuring Live Profiles.

To start a live:

  • Press the camera's REC button.

The Live is in progress.

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