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Hardware Specifications


  • External battery must be PS2 (<100W) following to IEC 62368-1:2014 standard and the certification.
  • Some external batteries (V-Mount or Gold Mount) can support a WiFi link for remote configuration or supervision. It is recommended to disable Wi-Fi on these batteries to avoid interfering with the equipment

Power Supply

DC input 18V nominal, 5A Max
External battery with V mount or Gold mount plates

Power Consumption

70W max
From 25 to 35W typical



Dimensions (LxWxD)

26.6 x 8.4 x 12.5cm
10.5" x 3.3" x 4.9"

Operating temperature

-5°C to 45°C (-5°C to 35°C when unit in backpack)
23°F to 113°F (23°F to 95°F when unit in backpack)
0°C to 40°C for the DC adapter
32°F to 104°F for the DC adapter

Storage temperature

-20°C to 80°C
-4°F to 176°F

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