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Quick Start Guides

Quick Start & Installation Guides are designed to get you up and running fast. Along with the Important Notice that arrived with your purchase, you should have everything you need to power up your hardware and sign in to the software.


Hardware refers to Haivision-built hardware products.

Haivision Media Platform
Makito X1 Rugged Encoder
Makito X4 Decoder
Makito X4 Encoder

 Legacy Products


Quick Start Guides and other documentation for legacy products are only available in PDF format.


You can also access the hardware's Console UI remotely using a secure shell (SSH) connection. For more information, see Using the Console UI with Haivision Hardware.


Accessories are 3rd-Party hardware products.

VM, Cloud, and Software

Virtual Machine (VM) images are available to run on your own hardware for the following products:

Haivision Media Gateway
Haivision Media Platform

Cloud-based offerings are available for the following products:

Software packages are available for installation on your own hardware for the following products:


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